Djimon Hounsou Joins Fast & Furious 7 Cast
The Fast & Furious franchise continues to add to the cast of its seventh instalment. Alongside Vin Diesel, Paul Walker and the returning crew of familiar faces, the new sequel has already added Jason Statham, Tony Jaa, Ronda Rousey, and most recently Kurt Russell to its ranks. Now actor Djimon Hounsou has reportedly also driven into a role in the high speed series.
There are no details of the potential ‘plot’ for the next film in the series yet, beyond the initial confirmation that the new sequel will finally see the action return to the streets of Los Angeles. It’s unclear whether there’s even a script yet or what state it may be in.
It may be that the studio hopes that if enough famous people simply drive cars, it might be possible to avoid the pesky formalities of a plot, finally replacing unconvincing dialogue entirely with implausible CGI car stunts.