The Plot An inquisitive young orphan girl Sophie forms a most magical and unlikely friendship with a dream delivering giant. But when the rest of giant country’s inhabitants prove to be ferocious child eaters Sophie and her Big Friendly Giant must do something extraordinary to save the children of England. The Good Guided by the [...]
Horror Channel FrightFest 2016 will be hosting a six-pack of special master classes, demonstrations and panel discussions providing an exciting and comprehensive snapshot of what’s happening in the horror & fantasy genre today. Hosted by media partner Screen International, there will be a panel discussion on the future of the UK Horror Film Industry, followed [...]
The Plot Jesse’s actions endanger and alienate those closest to him; a glimpse into his past reveals the root of all of his guilt. The Good Preacher’s 7th episode (He Gone) kicks off from the shocking twist the series left off on in it’s previous one, with Cassidy now revealed to have witnessed Eugene’s descent [...]
The Plot: Midway through their five year mission to boldly go where no man has gone before, Captain Kirk and the crew of the USS Enterprise find themselves exploring a piece of dangerous uncharted space at the edge of the frontier. The Good Star Trek boldly goes back to the very edge of the frontier [...]