The Plot Lorraine and Ed Warren (Vera Farmiga, Patrick Wilson) travel to Enfield, London to help a single mother raising four children alone in a house plagued by malicious spirits. The Good When cinema audiences were first introduced to Vera Farmiga and Patrick Wilson’s enigmatic ghost-busting couple, Lorraine and Ed Warren in 2013’s The Conjuring, [...]
The SHISEIDO Group’s high-prestige brand Clé de Peau Beauté (CPB) hosted an autumn/winter 2016 global press conference with the theme of Fearless Beauty, held at Shanghai’s Fairmont Peace Hotel on Thursday, June 16, 2016. Amanda Seyfried, the brand’s muse and global spokesperson who visited China for this event, appeared on stage at the opening of [...]
In the most unlikely of team ups, DC Comics super villains movie Suicide Squad has joined forces with the Euro 2016 Football Championships… Now you can celebrate the heroes & villains of Euro 2016 with the Suicide Squad Gif Generator. Create and share your own gifs to support your squad with an inspired bit of playful [...]
During an interview with Elle, Dame Helen Mirren made a somewhat surprising announcement that she will in fact star in the latest Fast and Furious sequel. Te news follows Mirren’s public admission during an interview with Yahoo in march last year that apperaing in the high octane franchise was actually a great ambition for her. [...]