The Plot The unashamedly ruthless and flirtatious Lady Susan Vernon takes up temporary residence at her in-laws’ quiet country estate. While taking advantage of her dismayed relations, she relentlessly schemes toward finding an advantageous match for herself and her unfortunate daughter Frederica The Good Love & Friendship is based on Jane Austen’s unfinished novella Lady [...]
The Plot A mismatched pair of private eyes investigate the apparent suicide of a fading porn star in 1970s Los Angeles. The Good Writer/director Shane Black returns to the big screen after dipping his toe into the Marvel Cinematic Universe with 2013’s Iron Man 3 and brings a consistently funny script as only he knows [...]
With a little under five months until the latest installment of the Underworld series hits screens, Kate Beckinsale has teased us with promises of ‘lots of mayhem… new bad guys and new worlds’ to explore in the upcoming chapter, Blood Wars. Speaking to Red Carpet News TV at the premiere for Love & Friendship, Beckinsale [...]
Love & Friendship star Jenn Murray has been discussing the much anticipated Harry Potter spin-off Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them in the lead up to its upcoming release this November. Talking to Red Carpet News TV at the Love & Friendship premiere, Murray told fans to ‘expect creativity and imagination, beautiful sets, beautiful [...]