Upcoming crime thriller Terminal has added Simon Pegg and Mike Myers to the cast. The film, due for release later this year also stars Margot Robbie in a lead role as well as Max irons, Eddie the Eagle director Dexter Fletcher and Harry Potter star Matthew Lewis. Writer/Director Vaughn Stein is currently shooting the film, [...]
With a little under two months to go until the third installment of the Star Trek franchise arrives (or the thirteenth if you’re counting the previous series of films) a colourful new one sheet has graced the inter webs. Featuring Chris Pine’s Captain Kirk (twice!), Zoe Saldana’s Uhura, Simon Pegg’s Scotty and Zachary Quinto’s Spock [...]
Artistic Director Mark Adams today unveiled details of the programme for the upcoming Edinburgh International Film Festival (EIFF), taking place next month between the 15th and 26th of June. Now in its landmark 70th edition, the Festival will showcase a total of 161 features from 46 countries including: 22 World Premieres, 5 International Premieres, 17 European Premieres and [...]
With little under two months to go until the long awaited sequel to Finding Nemo, Disney have released the third (and seemingly final) trailer for Finding Dory. This latest taster brings a fair amount of new footage to whet our appetites. Among the highlights are a hilarious sea lion duo voiced by Idris Elba and [...]