The Plot A troubled teen is sent away to live with his estranged father in Philadelphia and is plunged into a surreal world of inner city cowboys. A black community living with horses in their homes and as the last proud survivors of a forgotten portion of the rich western legacy. The Good Concrete Cowboy [...]
The Plot A monumentally vast documentary capturing the full tapestry of Boston city services in painstaking detail, giving a uniquely sprawling portrait of the daily y functional reality of the life of a major city. The Good Frederick Wiseman is a uniquely passionate and through filmmaker who has dedicated a lifetime to capturing America on [...]
The Plot A cautionary tale set during a violent protest in Mexico City exploring how quickly the tenuous social fabric we rely on can collapse. A bride finds herself caught up in the military crackdown against protests and imprisoned in order to be ransomed back to her wealthy upper class family. The Good In 2020 [...]
The Plot This HBO documentary provides an explosive and detailed account of the bitter 1978 stand-off between an activist commune in the heart of Philadelphia and the city’s police. The lengthy siege ended with the death of a police office and nine MOVE activists receiving maximum sentences of between 30 and 100 years in prison. [...]