The Plot Inspired by a true story and a bestselling book, Penguin Bloom follows the poignant journey of a family dealing with the difficult aftermath of a traumatic event whose lives are unexpectedly transformed by adopting an abandoned baby magpie. The Good Penguin Bloom is a genuinely poignant look at a families struggle to deal [...]
The Plot A documentary giving voice to former chief official White House photographer Pete Souza allowing him a platform to reflect on his lengthy career and express his views on his intimate time working in the Obama presidency and his clearly strong views on its aftermath The Good Throughout a lengthy and much lauded career [...]
The Plot A documentary following a seemingly ordinary American family from Indiana entangled in a bizarre web of secrets and lies after their son became a target of major U.S. government attention due to his allegedly criminal online activities, making them all in effect ‘Enemies Of the State’. The Good Enemies of The State is [...]
The Plot An aspiring young welsh journalist travels to Moscow in the hopes of uncovering the truth behind the apparent utopia of Stalin’s Soviet Union. The discoveries he makes will forever change him and the world. The Good Recent years has seen a glut of films released finally exploring history’s most infamous ‘forgotten genocide’ the [...]