The Plot: Realising that the planet Krypton is doomed to imminent destruction its foremost scientist sends his new-born son Kal-El to the distant planet of Earth, hoping to safeguard the future of both worlds. With the help of his adoptive earth parents Kal must learn to deal with his extraordinary powers whilst living in hiding [...]
The Plot: Christopher Reeve takes on the role of one of DC Comics’ most beloved superheroes in this 1978 origin story. Just before his home planet, Krypton, is destroyed, Jor El saves his newborn son, Kal El, by sending him away to planet Earth. There Kal El is raised as Clarke Kent and thanks to [...]
Arnold Schwarzenegger has confirmed via that the next Terminator sequel will begin filming in January 2014, with Arnold as had widely been assumed reprising his role as The Terminator. It remains to be seen whether CGI or just a lot of make-up will be taking responsibility for convincing audiences that this particular unstoppable cyborg [...]
Based on Frank Miller’s latest graphic novel Xerxes, here’s the first official trailer for the eagerly awaited 300 sequel 300 Rise of An Empire. The new film continues the violent historical saga and sees Greek General Themistokles attempting to unite Greece against the invading Persian armies, hoping to turn the tide of the war by taking battle [...]