The Plot A group of teenagers gather together in a desolate cabin in the woods to help their friend overcome her drug addiction. But, when a hidden basement containing a deadly book is found, a bloodbath soon begins. The Good Usually, when Hollywood dares to touch the legacy of cult classics in the form of [...]
Speaking to Red Carpet News at the London premiere of horror reboot Evil Dead, Director Fede Alvarez confirmed that work has already begun on a script for a sequel the successful franchise relaunch. Fans of the cult classic film series may be even more excited by what the young director had to say about plans for a long anticipated follow [...]
Warner Bros. and Legendary Pictures have released the first full length trailer for Superman reboot Man of Steel. Directed by Zack Snyder (300, Watchmen) and produced by Christopher Nolan, the new film stars Henry Cavill (Immortals,Tudors) in the role of Kryptionian superhero. When a young Clark Kent learns that he has extraordinary powers and is not of [...]
Tonight the third annual Asian Awards took place in London at the Grosvenor House Hotel. In addition to honouring specific acts of creative and economic achievement by those of Asian origins, this year’s ceremony also saw the launch of a new list of Top 100 Most Influential Asians. President of China, Xi Jinqping was unveiled in top spot, followed by Indian leader, Sonia Gandhi, Vice [...]