The Plot: In the aftermath of an apocalyptic nuclear war against alien invaders the Earth has become an inhospitable wasteland. Humanity has taken refuge on the distant Moon of Titan, leaving behind machines to salvage what’s left of the planet’s precious natural resources. Jack Harper is one of the few humans left behind to protect [...]
James Cameron had previously hinted that the forthcoming Avatar sequels would explore more of the world of Pandora, particularly it’s Oceans. Now producer Jon landau had confirmed that efforts are underway to explore technologies to allow for underwater capture of actor’s performances. Though it’s unclear exactly what form this new technology will take, it does [...]
Check out new clips and our very own Red carpet Interviews from the European Premiere of new action blockbuster Olympus Has Fallen. In the new film starring Gerard Butler, Aaron Eckhart and Morgan Freeman a disgraced secret service agent finds himself at the center of a terrorist takeover of the White House. With the FBI, [...]
As part of the Rendez Vous with French Cinema festival in London, Red Carpet News sat down with Director Gilles Bourdos and beautiful star Christa Theret to chat about sumptuous French historical drama Renoir. Christa Theret plays Andrée Heuschling, the model that inspired the final masterpieces of painter Auguste Renoir and subsequently married his son and celebrated filmmaker [...]