The Plot: The Lords of Salem is the latest offering from Rob Zombie (Halloween, Halloween II). The writer, director, composer and rock music icon brings to screen a “chiller” film which follows the story of Heidi (Sheri Moon Zombie), a radio station DJ, who receives a wooden box containing a record given as “ a [...]
Red carpet News caught up with beautiful Game Of Thrones star Sophie Turner on the red carpet at the the European Premiere of new Gerard Butler movie Olympus Has Fallen. Sophie spoke about the much anticipated third season of the HBO fantasy series. She also reacted to the recent news that the she has been [...]
Paramount have reached a landmark deal with two major Chinese media companies, an offshoot of state broadcaster CCTV and streaming service Jiaflix, to partly film sequel Transformers 4 in China. China is now officially the second largest market for films in the world with box office revenue of $1.8 billion in 2012 alone. Western studios [...]
Sherlock star Benedict Cumberbatch continues his unofficial mission to conquer every genre of cinema, fresh from starring roles in Stark Trek Into Darkness and a biopic of controversial Wikileaks founder Julian Assange the rising British Star will reportedly join the cast of horror film Crimson Peak. Cumberbatch will join a cast which already includes Emma [...]