The Plot The Marvel Cinematic Universe bring its first female fronted superhero movie to the franchise with this 90s set sci-fi romp that sees Carol Danvers (Brie Larson) try to regain her memory with the help of a young Nick Fury (Samuel L Jackson) The Good It’s obvious to anyone with even the slightest knowledge [...]
Hamilton was the biggest winner at the What’s On Stage Awards, taking home five prizes on Sunday night. This included best actor in a musical for its star Jamael Westman and best supporting actor in a musical for Jason Pennycooke. Little Shop of Horrors and Heathers the Musical also took home several awards each at [...]
Here’s a full list of winners in all categories at the 2019 Academy Awards. This year’s Oscars saw top acting prizes claimed by Rami Malek and Olivia Coleman with supporting wins for Mahershala Ali and Regina King. Best film went to Green Book with Roma taking the foreign language prize, Free Solo winning best documentary and Spider-man into the Spiderverse winning best animated film. Best director was [...]
The Plot After he’s arrested for a stabbing, Zain El Hajj (Zain Al Rafeea) decides to take his parents to court for being born. The Good Writer-director Nadine Labaki brings a heart-achingly devastating story to the screen in Capernaum (Chaos), following the tragic life of Zain, a Lebanese boy who doesn’t even know how old [...]