The Plot: After a bounty hunter recruits a slave called Django to help track down his latest payday the two become unlikely friends and partners. Together the pair set out to free Django’s wife Broomhilda from the clutches of a ruthless and sadistic Mississippi plantation owner. The Good: Quentin Tarantino reached new heights of blood [...]
Anne Hathaway is currently busy collecting awards for her performance in Les Miserables but has now officially signed on for a modern day adaptation of Shakespeare classic The Taming of The Shrew, based on a screenplay by Abi Morgan (Shame,The Iron Lady). There have already been numerous re-imaginings of the familiar Shakespearean comedy, most recently [...]
Despite a mostly positive reaction to Tom Cruise recent turn as brooding vigilante Jack Reacher it appears that Paramount is unlikely to push forward with previous plans for sequels. Although the current film is still performing well at cinemas taking in over $150 million so far on a $60 million budget, the studio has reportedly [...]
Here’s the full official list of winners at the Golden Globes Awards tonight as voted for by the Hollywood Foreign Press Association. The 70th Annual awards ceremony saw Homeland emerge the clear winner on the small screen, picking up best drama while stars Damien Lewis and Claire Danes both took home awards for best actor/actress respectively. Sarah Palin political drama [...]