The Plot: Retired CIA super-agent Bryan Mills finds himself, his ex-wife and daughter once again caught up in gun battles and mayhem, this time in Istanbul, as the families of the kidnappers he ruthless dispatched rescuing his daughter in the first film set out to take their revenge. The Good: The success of the first [...]
The Plot: A rich quadriplegic, living in a mansion in Paris, requires a live-in carer. A young offender turns up for an interview, but he is not really looking to get the job. However, to his surprise, he is hired. The two men then develop a close friendship The Good: Untouchable probably isn’t going to be the [...]
Jude Law has confirmed that both he and Robert Downey Jr. would like to have a third Sherlock Holmes adventure. Their last film A Game of Shadows took in over $540 million worldwide at the box office alone, giving Warner Bros an obvious incentive to finish the trilogy with another sequel. Iron Man 3 writer [...]
Jennifer Lawrence has helped Relativity Media adopt a petty novel approach for promoting new thriller House at the End of The Street. Beautiful Hunger Games and X-Men First Class star Jennifer Lawrence sings “All You’ve Got to Do is Fall in Love” over clips from the new horror film which arrives in UK cinemas from 21st [...]