The Dark Knight Rises Review
The Plot 8 Years after Batman took the blame for the crimes of ‘Two-face’ Harvey Dent, Bruce Wayne is a broken man, in reclusive retirement from costume clad crime fighting. The threat of a deadly new foe, the muscle-bound terrorist Bane, forces him to once again become the caped crusader and fight to save Gotham [...]
The Dark Knight Rises European Premiere Report
Thousands of Batman fans descended on London’s Leicester Square tonight for the European Premiere of The Dark Knight Rises. The star studded red carpet for the much anticipated third and final instalment in Christopher Nolan’s caped crusader trilogy was attend by much of the cast and crowds of celeb fans who were eager to rub [...]
Johnny Depp Interview Dark Shadows European Premiere
At the Dark Shadows European Premiere in London, Johnny Depp talked about landing his dream role of cursed Vampire Barnabus Collins and how he got into character for his 8th film with visionary director Tim Burton. Here’s what Johnny had to say: How does it feel to be back in London for the European Premiere? [...]
Dark Shadows European Premiere
Johnny Depp, Director Tim Burton and the entire cast of Dark Shadows walked the purple carpet in London’s Leicester Square tonight at the European Premiere of their new comedy film. Based on a cult classic TV series, the film marks the 8th collaboration between Tim Burton and his kooky muse Johnny Depp. We spoke to the genius director [...]