Jamie Foxx for Spider-Man Sequel Villain Electro

Jamie Foxx is reported to be in talks with Sony about taking on the villainous role of Electro in Marc Webb’s sequel to The Amazing Spider-Man. Electro is one of the few of Spider-Man’s familiar foes who hasn’t yet been brought to life on the big screen, so it’s not a total surprise to see him emerge [...]

Ghostbusters 3 Sequel Delayed Again

The never-ending saga of Dan Aykroyd’s long proposed plans for a Ghostbusters 3 sequel continues as Sony now admits that recent reports that filming would begin as early as next summer were in fact overly optimistic.  The studio has confessed that they were unrealistically ambitious in scheduling filming to start so soon and will now [...]

David Fincher won’t Direct Cleopatra

David Fincher won’t be directing Angelina Jolie in Sony’s long delayed version of Cleopatra, after dropping out of the project to concentrate on other commitments. Reacting to the loss of the Fight Club and Social Network director, Sony now has Ang Lee at the top of their wish list of possible replacements. The Brokeback Mountain [...]

Sony Pictures making new ALF Movie

Sony Pictures Animation has acquired the rights to ALF, the cult classic 1980s TV sitcom about a wisecracking furry alien living with a typical American Suburban family. Tom Patchett and puppeteer Paul Fusco, the creators of the original series, will be collaborating with experience family friendly producer Jordan Kerner to revive the series on the [...]

He-Man Masters Of The Universe Movie News

Director Jon Chu is reportedly in talks to take over Sony’s He-Man Masters of the Universe film and bring the popular 1980s cartoon character back to the big screen.  The previous 1987 effort saw a baby oil drenched Dolph Lundgren visit earth to battle his arch nemesis Skelator with the help of plucky small town [...]

Fassbender Set For Assassin’s Creed Movie

Michael Fassbender is reportedly attached to produce and star in the movie adaptation of Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed. The increasingly acclaimed and popular star of X-Men First Class, Shame & Prometheus will take on the lead role as Desmond Miles, a modern day bartender who uses a magical device called the Animus to relive the past [...]