Oz The Great And Powerful Premiere Pictures
Posted by RCNTV on Friday, February 15, 2013 · Leave a Comment

Wizard of Oz prequel Oz The Great and Powerful had it’s world premiere this week in Hollywood, ahead of it’s London red carpet premiere on 28th February. Directed by Sam Rami the film boasts a glittering all star cast that includes James Franco, Michelle Williams, Zach Braff, Rachel Weisz and Mila Kunis. Check out a gallery of pictures below including the stunning hot air balloon arrival of James Franco.
Category NEWS · Tagged with 2013, actor, actress, cast, director, directormovie, disney, dorothy gale, fans, film, first look, full, gallery, good witch, interview, james franco, judy garland, kansas, latest, london, micelle williams, mila kunis, movie, munchkin, new, news, official, oz. the great and powerful, picture, pictures, premiere, Rachel Weisz, reboot, red carpet, red carpet news, red carpet news tv, remake, sam rami, Sequel, spider-man, television, trailer, tv, uk, wicked, witch, wizard of oz, world premiere, zach braff